“The forest took on a hauntingly enchanted air as witches, vampires, ghosts, and pumpkins combed the woods in search of hidden treasures,” the British Ladies Club said of its annual Halloween fête, which took place on Saturday.
“Amid the crowd, occasional glimpses of golden-haired superheroes, bandaged mummies and dinosaurs could be spotted, all of whom were rewarded for their foraging prowess.
“Craft tables buzzed with enthusiastic children, eager to create spider webs, peg monsters, scary masks and spooky bats. Skill and precision were required to toss hoops onto the legs of a colossal spider and witches’ hats. Beans bags were thrown into the mouths of a giant pumpkin,” the BLC stated.
The club’s Christmas party is set for Saturday 9 December. Tickets will be available for members on 6 November and 13 November for non-members, a BLC rep stated. Contact [email protected] for information.