Barely 11% of non-Luxembourgers living in the capital are registered to vote on 11 June. Photo: Mike Zenari/Archives

Barely 11% of non-Luxembourgers living in the capital are registered to vote on 11 June. Photo: Mike Zenari/Archives

More than 72,000 residents of Luxembourg’s capital are still missing from the electoral roll. In one month, 2,642 non-Luxembourgers registered to vote in the local elections.

“We are on the way up” said the mayor of Luxembourg City,  (DP), on Wednesday, wanting to remain optimistic. There are now 8,814 foreigners registered, out of a potential pool of 81,120 non-Luxembourgish voters, according to figures released on 22 March by the city. This represents less than 11% of eligible non-nationals.

We don’t want to harass them.
Lydie Polfer

Lydie PolferMayorCity of Luxembourg

“We don't want to harass them,” said the mayor, for whom awareness-raising among foreign communities works best by being present at various popular events. She also stressed that it was possible to vote by post for those who plan on being abroad on 11 June and that the situation in the capital was particular given the population’s turnover (around 10% per year).

Democratic imbalance

The capital has 32,138 voters of Luxembourg nationality, who are automatically registered on the electoral roll. But they represent less than a third of the population, nearly 71% of whom are non-Luxembourgers.

There is still room to increase the number of voters in the capital between now and 17 April, the closing date for registration on the electoral roll. For the first time, registration is open to all non-Luxembourgers, regardless of how long they have lived in the country.

Non-nationals can or in person at their local town hall or citizens’ office.

This story was first published in French on . It has been translated and edited for Delano.