For 2023, the capital aims for a 50% participation rate from a population that makes up 70.6% of Luxembourg City’s 128,500 inhabitants. Photo: Mike Zenari

For 2023, the capital aims for a 50% participation rate from a population that makes up 70.6% of Luxembourg City’s 128,500 inhabitants. Photo: Mike Zenari

With communal elections approaching, the Ville de Luxembourg administration hopes to attract more of its foreign residents to the ballot boxes.

Since July 2022--nearly one year before the June 2023 local elections-- for foreign residents in Luxembourg. EU citizens or others who currently live in Luxembourg will be able to vote or stand for election in their commune as soon as they register their address. Up until the adoption of the project law, they had to live in the country for five years to gain this right.

But, it remains hard to motivate foreign residents to participate in local elections, says the City of Luxembourg’s social affairs officer . In an interview with Radio 100,7, the VDL official explains that until now, the city aimed for 22% of its foreign residents to participate in elections.

 on the daily life of residents as municipalities regulate aspects such as transport, primary and preschool education, as well as housing and development plans.

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For 2023, the capital aims for a 50% participation rate from a population that makes up 70.6% of Luxembourg City’s 128,500 inhabitants. “We’re aware that it’s more difficult to motivate people,” he is heard saying. Among its efforts to change this, the municipality plans on sending personalised letters to each non-Luxembourgish resident registered in the commune. New arrivals are also offered to be added to the voting lists as soon as they register with the administration. 

To be eligible to vote, voters must be registered on the electoral registers no later than 55 days before the elections. Foreign voters can either register on the Myguichet platform or file an application at their municipality’s administrative office.