The EU Cohesion Policy, supported by the EU Commission, granted Luxembourg €67.5m for the 2021-2027 period to develop its social, green, digital and employment strategies.  Photo: Shutterstock

The EU Cohesion Policy, supported by the EU Commission, granted Luxembourg €67.5m for the 2021-2027 period to develop its social, green, digital and employment strategies.  Photo: Shutterstock

Between 2021 and 2027, the grand duchy will receive funds to invest in social inclusion, digitalisation, skill training and environmental projects. 

Under the EU Cohesion Policy, EU member states who sign the agreement have to present an investment strategy that aligns with EU priorities and goals. For Luxembourg, “the Partnership Agreement is an important contribution to achieving Luxembourg's national targets for 2030 on employment, adult learning and poverty reduction in line with the European Pillar of Social Rights,” said Luxembourg commissioner for jobs and social rights in a .

Of the €67.5m, around €23m will come from a development fund (ERDF) and just transition fund (JTF) and will be invested in improving the energy efficiency of public buildings, reducing emissions of the construction and transport sectors, further developing renewable energy production and protecting local biodiversity.

The European Social Fund Plus (ESF+) will attribute €15.5m towards social inclusion, education and employment. This investment will support job seekers (through training offers) and start-ups (through financing advice services). A €1.7m share of this fund will go towards improving the skills of employees, in particular lower qualified and older workers. Digital skills and jobs will also be supported by this portion of the grant.

Young people should also benefit from the Cohesion Policy, with €2.2 going towards improving their educational environment and transition to the job market. €1m will go towards fighting childhood poverty in the country, while €1.3m will go towards people in need of basic amenities and food. €3.9m has been attributed to helping disadvantaged groups--like migrants--in their insertion into Luxembourg society.

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An additional €29m will be dedicated to an for the Greater Area. Here, mobility, jobs, the environment, SME competitiveness and research and innovation are on the agenda.  

The ministries of labour, economy and energy and spatial planning are responsible for implementing and managing the investments.