The opening was announced just before Black Friday, but it will actually take place just before Christmas. Sébastien Baulin, retail director for the Benelux cosmetics chain Kiko, confirmed to Delano’s sister publication Paperjam that the first shop in the grand duchy will open on Wednesday 20 December.
“We’ve had a delay in the delivery of our furniture (custom-made in Italy) and we preferred to postpone it to ensure the best customer experience in our first Luxembourg shop. Personally, I had promised myself to open before Christmas, so it’s ‘almost’ done,” confides Sébastien Baulin, the brand’s master franchisee for Luxembourg.
It is at the Cloche d’Or--on the first level to be precise--that Kiko’s flagship shop will welcome its first visitors on Wednesday, in a 125m2 space. “This slight delay has enabled me to ensure high-quality recruitment and training, as well as product and customer experience training for our eight employees who will be working in the Cloche d’Or shop,” he explains.
With this move, Retailux, the company that will operate the brand in Luxembourg, is setting its sights on the Luxembourg market. Although there are other cosmetics retailers in the country, notably Sephora at the Cloche d’Or, Baulin is not overly concerned about the competition. So far, in Europe and the rest of the world, Kiko is doing well by “allowing women to treat themselves to the latest cosmetic innovations without having to sacrifice their budget.”
With a lot of humility, I’m not afraid to say that we have no real competition.
“With a lot of humility, I’m not afraid to say that we don’t have any real competition, so it will be easier for us to establish ourselves on the market as one of the leaders in cosmetics and make-up. No other brand on the market offers such a wide range of products in a premium universe, at affordable prices and with that Italian touch,” he says.
In terms of product range, the brand offers more than 1,500 single-brand products and aims to stand out from the crowd with its cutting-edge products and quality in-store service. “At the Cloche d’Or alone, we have four make-up stations ready to pamper our customers,” says Baulin.
At the Kirchberg Shopping Centre in March...
This first shop should be the first of many. , Baulin mentioned a target of six to seven shops in Luxembourg. In the meantime, he is already announcing the opening of the second shop at the Kirchberg Shopping Centre at the beginning of March.
“We’re starting work at the beginning of January, with a view to opening in the first week of March. We will then follow that up with the opening at Belval Plaza, where a brand new custom-built unit will be built right in the middle of the centre, on the ground floor,” he announces.
He added: “We are negotiating with other lessors for our next shops, which we will open in the second half of 2024, in order to cover the market quickly and uniformly, and we are concentrating our efforts in the north and south of the country at the moment.”
This article was first published in French on . It has been translated and edited for Delano.