The mission of Luxembourg Stratégie is to foresee the possible futures of the economy--or at least to be in a position to face them and not suffer as a result. Launched last February by the economy ministry in the wake of the Rifkin study, this participatory platform is now taking shape. On 17 and 18 October, it will present the various possible strategic scenarios for the Luxembourg economy up to 2050.
In the presence of economy minister (LSAP); Pascale Junker, head of Luxembourg Stratégie, presented the progress of the platform's work since the beginning of the year. After several exchanges and meetings with a variety of economic actors in the country, Luxembourg Stratégie has succeeded in building several plausible scenarios (ranging from a very favourable to a worst-case scenario), as well as 12 megatrends relevant to a resilient, sustainable and competitive future.
"At this stage, the scenarios under construction take into account different bifurcations, the evolution of which is particularly uncertain in the long term, such as new forms of governance, future economic models or the feasibility of technological and digital acceleration,” explained Junker.
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More concretely, two working groups out of six have already been involved, most recently including company managers. Fifty of them were invited to work on five scenarios and then discuss the pros and cons of each and develop strategies which could be adopted to keep Luxembourg resilient and competitive.
"For business leaders, anticipation is a business case. A company that does not anticipate is a company that will disappear. Business leaders, therefore, have this capacity for anticipation, and they want to know where we are heading. Unfortunately, they don't have the time to sit down and do this work. So we have had positive feedback from this exercise, imagining possible futures in order to better tackle the future,” Junker stressed.
After the presentation of the scenarios next October, a public consultation aimed at involving citizens will be organised before the end of the year. At the same time, the various working groups will continue to meet to continue the objectives of Luxembourg Stratégie.
A new logo for Luxembourg Stratégie
In the interests of visibility and identification, Luxembourg Stratégie has given itself a new visual identity, including a new logo. This takes the form of a tree, the roots of which symbolise the retrospective analysis of the past while being anchored to solid ground. The trunk symbolises the present, the branches the future, the group says.
In addition to its logo, the economy ministry has put forward another graphic element to illustrate the concept of resilience. Taking the form of a fish, it depicts a timeline that can be read from left to right and shows the process of adapting to a crisis caused by a shock and gradually moving towards a transformation and a resilient economic model.
This article was originally published on and has been translated and edited for Delano.