Over half of government spending on R&D in the EU went towards the advancement of general knowledge. Photo: Romain Gamba / Maison Moderne

Over half of government spending on R&D in the EU went towards the advancement of general knowledge. Photo: Romain Gamba / Maison Moderne

For the ninth year in a row, the Luxembourg government has topped the EU chart in R&D spending per person.

from 4 August shows that, in Luxembourg last year, €661.60 was allocated per person by the government for R&D.

This number was comfortably the highest in the EU, with second place being Denmark (€529.10) and third place Germany (€517.60).

At the bottom of the chart were Romania (€17.60) and Bulgaria (€27.3).

The EU average was €262.70 per person, up by 49.2% compared to ten years prior and 5.4% compared to 2021.

As for what the money was spent on--across the EU--the report found that over half (52%) of it went towards the advancement of general knowledge (either via public general university funds or via other sources). The next biggest category was industrial production (10.2%), followed by health (8.3%), space exploitation and exploration (5.9%) and energy (4.7%).

In Luxembourg

for R&D in the grand duchy stand at €1.7bn for the 2022-2025 period, which includes €219m for the Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (List), €182.54m for the Luxembourg Institute of Health and €62.08m for the Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research (Liser).

In June, of the three research institutions were published. Among the generally positive findings came the observation that reliance on public funding was, perhaps, too high.

R&D funding is undoubtedly strong in the grand duchy, but, , Luxembourg’s situation is also unique.