Business development manager for on.perfekt, Estelle Flammang, tells Delano about low-waste initiatives in Luxembourg. Photo: Romain Gamba//MaisonModerne

Business development manager for on.perfekt, Estelle Flammang, tells Delano about low-waste initiatives in Luxembourg. Photo: Romain Gamba//MaisonModerne

Cooperative on.perfekt targets food waste at the source. Business development manager Estelle Flammang reveals more about the initiative.

There is no shortage of initiatives to promote local food production and consumption in Luxembourg. On.perfekt, for instance, which was established as a non-profit in 2020 and has since become a co-op, works with food suppliers to give fresh produce a second chance. After all, with strict rules governing mainstream supermarket foods--in terms of size, look and weight of fruit and vegetables--and 40% of items being disposed of after the harvest, the waste adds up.

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The social enterprise and its 60 active members collaborate with other initiatives like Geméiswierk, a local organic vegetable farm, and Ouni, a zero-waste store, to challenge current food systems. “It’s about rebuilding the connection to our food production. Through that knowledge, people should be able to identify their own standards and norms for their food,” says Flammang. The co-op offers them a way into more mindful consumption.

On.perfekt’s other mission is to support agricultural producers and food retailers. “Our suppliers are also our beneficiaries,” says Flammang. “The collaboration not only allows them to reintroduce their food surplus but also diminish their costs of disposing these food products.” It thereby generates additional revenue for locals.  

Thanks to a crowdfunding initiative, the co-op--which has only organised pop-up markets so far--was able to sign the lease for a shop in Marnach. It is set to open in summer 2022.

To find out more about on.perkeft, visit their .