All the candidates for the municipal elections on 11 June are now known.  Photo: Matic Zorman/Maison Moderne

All the candidates for the municipal elections on 11 June are now known.  Photo: Matic Zorman/Maison Moderne

Nominations for the municipal elections closed on 12 April. The DP and the CSV are the most represented, while the Pirate Party confirms a significant increase.

The deadline for registering as a foreigner on the electoral roll for the municipal elections of 11 June is Monday 17 April, while the deadline for submitting candidatures was 12 April. That is to say, the day before the drawing of lots for the list numbers of the various parties in the running for the elections.

The forces at work are now clearly visible.


The party of the prime minister, , issued a press release on Wednesday evening in which it announced that it was present in four additional municipalities compared to the last municipal election, that of 2017. The party has thus reached the mark of 47 lists out of 56 possible, representing municipalities with more than 3,000 inhabitants where proportional voting is organised.

As a reminder, 46 other communes will organise a majority vote, where the candidacies are individual. This will be the case, for example, for MP in his commune of Erpeldange-sur-Sûre. He is one of the 35 candidates listed by the DP in this type of municipality. There will be 623 candidates on the lists of municipalities with proportional representation.

Among the important candidates are the vice-presidents (Hesperange) and (Dippach), who will head the list, as well as the secretary general, (Echternach).

We also note that the president of the chamber, (Feulen), will not run, preferring to concentrate on his task until the end of his mandate. Minister will be running in the capital alongside , and MP . If she is elected to the municipal council, she will resign from the government.


While the DP is present in the largest number of municipalities with proportional representation, it is the CSV that has the most candidates.

The main opposition party presents a total of 636 candidates on its 45 lists (to which one could add those affiliated with the CSV in Wormeldange and Troisvierges).

Of the 21 current CSV MPs, 16 will stand again. This will not be the case, however, for the current co-president, , but also for the co-president of the fraction, , and .


With a total of 39 lists submitted and 528 candidates in the communes with proportional representation, the LSAP will be the third best represented party.

It is worth noting that some of the socialist leaders present in the Chamber of Deputies are not candidates: , , and the former mayor of Esch-sur-Alzette .

While (Dudelange) and (Sanem) will try to keep the mayor's position, will try to shake up the CSV in Bascharage.

Greens (déi Gréng)

Amongst the Greens, co-chair is smiling. “With 36 lists in the municipalities with proportional representation, two more than in 2017, we have never been so present. This confirms the dynamics that we see on the ground,” explains the man who will be the head of the list in Esch-sur-Alzette.

It should be added that two lists that will not have the name. Déi Gréng will be led by the MP and the former president of the party, , respectively in Lintgen and Kopstal-Bridel.

If , and are not running, MPs (Bettembourg), (Dudelange), (Walferdange) and (Mamer) will head the list, without forgetting in Luxembourg.


The party that has undoubtedly made the biggest progress since the last municipal elections in 2017. From five lists, the party of MPs and has grown to 13: Luxembourg, Esch-sur-Alzette, Pétange, Hesperange, Grevenmacher, Betzdorf, Bascharage, Differdange, Sanem, Kayl-Tétange, Mondercange, Remich and Kehlen.

“If we except this last municipality where our list only includes 10 names out of 13 possible, we only have complete lists,” explains Goergen. “With the majority municipalities, it will be possible to vote for us in a total of 27 municipalities. Almost half of the population will be able to put a ‘Pirate’ ballot in the box.”

In the municipalities with proportional representation, the Pirates thus reach 209 candidates. This is almost three times more than six years ago (76 candidates).

If Clement does not run, reserving himself for the legislative elections, Marc Goergen will do so in Pétange. It should be noted that Tommy Klein, the former director of Ilres, one of the party's latest recruits, will not be present either.

Déi Lénk

The left-wing party, which a few days ago, will present seven complete lists in seven of the nine largest municipalities under the proportional representation system: Luxembourg City, Esch-sur-Alzette, Differdange, Dudelange, Pétange, Sanem and Schifflange (where Déi Lénk will be present for the first time).

This represents a total of 135 candidates.


The ADR has also achieved a good result with elected representatives in no less than 11 communes with proportional representation: Bettembourg, Dudelange, Esch-sur-Alzette, Kayl-Tétange, Bascharage, Clervaux, Luxembourg, Pétange, Sanem, Troisvierges and Wincrange. In each case the lists are complete, except for Pétange (13/19).

MP will head the list in Wincrange, while vice-president Tom Weidig will head the list in the capital.

In total, the ADR has 167 candidates in the proportional municipalities.


On Wednesday 12 April, Fokus reported on the municipal elections of 11 June. The party launched by its current spokesperson, , will present three lists: Luxembourg, Differdange and Sanem.

“These are complete lists,” explains Fokus president Marc Ruppert. “That is a total of 63 candidates. To which we can add some representatives who will be on open lists in Redange and Kopstal-Bridel. This brings us close to the 70 mark.”

Ruppert will lead a list in the capital that also includes the names of Daniel Miltgen, the former president of the Housing Fund, and Mario Daubenfeld, the former army general. In Differdange, the list will be headed by three candidates, including the current secretary general of the party, .

This story was first published in French on . It has been translated and edited for Delano.