The latest Eurobarometer poll has found that 86% of respondents in Luxembourg are in favour of a common energy policy amongst EU member states, 13 percentage points higher than the EU average (73%). 85% in Luxembourg think reducing oil and gas imports and investing in renewable energy is important for security. Photo: Shutterstock

The latest Eurobarometer poll has found that 86% of respondents in Luxembourg are in favour of a common energy policy amongst EU member states, 13 percentage points higher than the EU average (73%). 85% in Luxembourg think reducing oil and gas imports and investing in renewable energy is important for security. Photo: Shutterstock

A Eurobarometer poll has found that people in Luxembourg are strongly in favour of a common energy policy and common defence and security policy amongst EU member states. Support for Ukraine is higher than the EU average, while housing, unsurprisingly, is a key concern for respondents in the grand duchy.

The European Union’s , published on 10 July, polled 26,425 people in the EU to explore their views on important issues facing the EU and their own countries, what they consider to be key policy areas and the consequences of Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine.

In Luxembourg, 507 interviews were conducted in late May and early June. Here are a few key takeaways from the survey.

Satisfied with government, current situation

87% of respondents in Luxembourg said they would judge the current situation of the country’s national economy as “good.” This figure is twice as high as the EU27 average of 40%.

90% of people in Luxembourg see their household’s financial situation as “good,” compared to 70% in the EU27.

In the grand duchy, 88% say their personal job situation is “good,” which is 27 percentage points higher than the figure for the EU27 (61%).

Amongst Luxembourg respondents, trust in the European Union and in national institutions is higher than the EU average. 65% in Luxembourg said they tend to trust the European Union (compared to 47% for the EU27 average). Nearly two-thirds of respondents in Luxembourg (66%) said they trust the national parliament and 77% said they trust their national government, which is much higher than the figures for the EU27 (33% and 32%, respectively).

“As is often the case, respondents in Luxembourg are more favourable than the European average [towards the EU], confirming once again the pro-European attitude of our society,” said Anne Calteux, representative of the European Commission in Luxembourg, in a press release.

But housing a key concern

The Eurobarometer survey found that people in Luxembourg consider housing and rising prices / inflation / the cost of living as the two most important issues currently facing their country. 56% of respondents in Luxembourg named housing as an issue (compared to just 10% for the EU27).

51% of people in Luxembourg considered rising prices / inflation / cost of living to be a major issue, six percentage points higher than the EU27 average of 45%.

On average, 18% of EU27 respondents said that the economic situation was the most important issue facing their country, followed by the environment and climate change (16% for the EU27, 15% for Luxembourg).

86% in Luxembourg in favour of common energy policy

86% of survey respondents in Luxembourg said they are in favour of a common energy policy amongst EU member states (compared to 73% for the EU27). 85% in the grand duchy also said that reducing oil and gas imports and investing in renewable energy is important for our overall security (four percentage points lower than the figure for EU27--81%).

Support for a common defence and security policy amongst EU member states is even higher, both for respondents in Luxembourg (92%) and in the EU27 (77%).

In addition, 88% of survey respondents in Luxembourg said that the EU should reduce its dependence on Russian sources of energy as soon as possible, a figure that is slightly higher than the EU27 figure (82%).

Support for Ukraine high in Luxembourg

“It is encouraging to see the extent to which public opinion supports the steps taken to address the energy crisis and the invasion of Ukraine by Russia in particular. The feeling of solidarity seems well-anchored among the citizens,” said Calteux.

98% of people in Luxembourg are in favour of providing humanitarian support to people affected by Russia’s war in Ukraine; 94% support welcoming into the EU people fleeing the war; 82% agree with providing financial support for Ukraine.

75% in Luxembourg support economic sanctions on the Russian government, companies and individuals; 70% support the purchase and supply of military equipment to Ukraine.

Each of these figures is higher than the figures for the EU27 overall.

Find more country-specific results from the Eurobarometer poll .