On Monday, the commerce register shared the registration of a new Luxembourg airline--a rare occurrence.
Led by Patrick Thierry, Eric Bonafini and Eric Viale, the company announced that it has brought together not only three industrial partners--Airbus, Aviation Capital Group and Pegasus Services--but also a team of eight people, each with an average of 25 years of experience. The idea is to use Airbus A320neo or Airbus A321neo aircraft to “reduce our fuel consumption by about 20%, halve our noise pollution and reduce our carbon dioxide emissions by about 700 tonnes per year.”
The model, in AMCI--which stands for "aircraft, crew, maintenance and insurance”--is generally used by “classic” airlines to cope with peak periods or one-off problems. According to the new company's website, the aircraft will offer either AMCI, charter, special events or even freight transport.
This story was first published in French on . It has been translated and edited for Delano.