An SMS sent home


Home has never been

a myriad layered mirror

reflecting maenads and muses,

obtuse dance formations,

or the pivotal bird

in a v shaped flock

flocking towards the south

or a place

too comfortable to wear

a v neck sweater

or sweat and rest easy

grab a warm coke from the fridge

ditch the isolated chambers

where music glides into the past

racing far or erasing a past

woken up at dusk

by a solitary figure

presuming to know it all

sipping Adderall alone

and adding all the numbers

after subtracting them from wonderland


A single hand

a silent round of applause

a ‘pause’ trophy


no home truly belongs…


home has never strayed too far

from an sms


‘save my soul’.


Shehzar Doja is a member of the Luxembourg Poetry Group, which can be found on Facebook.