Easier mortgage applications could boost Luxembourg’s housing market, two local firms said, touting their effort in the space. Photo: Cedric Letsch/Unsplash

Easier mortgage applications could boost Luxembourg’s housing market, two local firms said, touting their effort in the space. Photo: Cedric Letsch/Unsplash

A property listings platform and mortgage broker partnership intends to “simplify” the home-buying process and potentially “boost the Luxembourg real estate market.”

The property listings platform Nextimmo and mortgage broker Albalux have formed a “strategic alliance” which they said would “simplify and optimise the real estate purchasing process for future owners.”

“The credit calculation tool integrated into Nextimmo adverts now allows users to obtain a reliable estimate of their borrowing capacity, a crucial step in the purchasing process,” the companies in a press release on 11 March 2024. Homebuyers can pursue a mortgage application through the platform.

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Taking “a holistic and integrated approach to the real estate market can not only improve the customer experience but also stimulate the real estate sector as a whole,” the firms said. Smoother mortgage applications, the companies argued, “encourages residential mobility and could even help stabilise market prices by increasing the supply of accessible housing.”

Nextimmo said it had “nearly 100 real estate agencies” and “more than 1,700 regularly updated property listings” on its platform. On its website, Alba Lux said it worked with six Luxembourg mortgage lenders, and in the press announcement said it “negotiates with banks to obtain the best possible loan deals.”