The results of the , released on 6 June, focused on democracy and elections, perception of the European Union, and approval of government measures tackling the rising cost of living and support for Ukraine during Russia’s ongoing war.
26,376 face-to-face interviews were carried out throughout the European Union in March 2023, with 507 interviews conducted in Luxembourg.
Here are some key takeaways from the survey results.
Nearly two-thirds satisfied with the government’s cost of living measures
63% of respondents in Luxembourg said they were satisfied with the measures taken by the national government to tackle the rising cost of living, such as increasing food or energy prices. This figure is nearly twice the EU average--33%.
This was also the case in the , which was conducted in October and November 2022. 62% of people in Luxembourg said they were satisfied with the national government’s actions to tackle the rising cost of living, compared to 33% for the EU average.
When it comes to measures on the EU level, people in Luxembourg still have a more positive view than the average EU respondent--45% in the grand duchy said they were satisfied with measures taken by the European Union, compared to 32% for the EU average.
Strong approval regarding support for Ukraine
82% of people in Luxembourg approve of the European Union’s support for Ukraine following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. This is six percentage points higher than the figure for the EU average--76%.
In the Eurobarometer poll conducted in October-November 2022, 79% of people in Luxembourg said they approved of the different actions taken by the EU to support Ukraine, such as financial, military or humanitarian support.
Positive view of the EU
In general, people in Luxembourg are positive about the EU. 64% of survey respondents in the grand duchy--which is home to several EU institutions--say the European Union conjures up a “positive” image for them, compared to 45% for the EU average.
More people in Luxembourg also have a positive view of the European Parliament (50%) than in the EU on average (37%).
86% say EU impacts daily life
86% of survey respondents in Luxembourg said that the actions of the European Union have an impact on their daily life, 15 percentage points higher than the EU average (71%).
Ahead of the European elections, which will take place in June 2024, the level of interest in Luxembourg is higher than in the EU on average: 62% of people in Luxembourg said they were interested in these elections, compared to 56% for the EU27 average.
Key values and priorities
The top three values that survey respondents in Luxembourg thought the European Parliament should defend were: democracy (39%), equality between women and men (30%) and freedom of speech and thought (29%).
The top three priorities that people in Luxembourg would like to see addressed by the European Parliament were: the fight against poverty and social exclusion (39%), action against climate change (38%) and the future of Europe (35%).
Find the full results of the Eurobarometer poll .