Campaigns of the moment  Illustration: Maison Moderne

Campaigns of the moment  Illustration: Maison Moderne

Discover a selection of the best campaigns of the moment in Luxembourg! Clap Clap Clap!

Campaign : "First Aid”

Client : La croix rouge luxembourgeoise / First Aid Training

Agency : Alternatives Communication

Account : Anne-Laure Menu-Duquerrois

Creative Team : Amandine Verplaetse / Laureen Minet / Léa De Santis

Campaign : Losch Exclusive

Name of client : Losch

Agency : Wait

Account : Miriam Eisenmenger - Head of Marketing and Communication

Creative team : Vinzenz Hölzl and Pierre-Louis Beque

Losch Exclusive campaign  (Agency : Wait)

Losch Exclusive campaign  (Agency : Wait)

Campaign : 24h

Name of client : Dovit

Agency : Wait

Account : Orlane François - Marketing & Communication Manager

Creative team : Mathieu Mathelin and Marion Durand

24h Campaign (Agency : Wait)

24h Campaign (Agency : Wait)