With businesses but also employees leaning more towards sustainable practices, Delano’s Teodor Georgiev sat down to discuss the topic with Sophie Öberg, deputy director of IMS Luxembourg, a network of companies in the grand duchy, involved in corporate social responsibility.

The Post, Mudam, Enovos, ACL, AXA, Cargolux, Banque de Luxembourg and companies from many other sectors all take part in IMS’ network on businesses aiming to implement more sustainable practices in their activities. While there isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution for each company and every branch of the economy, Öberg points towards the strength of exchanging within the network and developing best practices.

With employees’ values and preferences reshaping to become more conscious to the environment in recent years, businesses risk being left behind if they don’t adapt.

“With environment I’m talking not only about natural resources but also environment in terms of communities around and your partners, suppliers, all your stakeholders within your value chain,” says Öberg. “If you don’t work responsibly with them, at the end of the day you won’t have a business anymore.”

The need to implement new sustainable practices also increases the risk more firms posing as “green” for the sake of marketing or to attract employees. Tune in for the full episode to find out how to spot a greenwashing company. This episode is available on , and