A graduate in sociology of work and business management, joined KPMG in 2006. There, she spent seven years in the human resources department, gaining extensive experience in human capital management coupled with strategic business management. Concerned about the mismatch between companies' expectations and the profiles of candidates on the job market, she joined Jonk Entrepreneuren Luxembourg as director in 2013. This position enables her to develop the entrepreneurial potential of young people, in which she strongly believes. Stéphanie is also a member of the board of the Fonds national de la recherche and the Fondation Idea asbl. In October 2023, she joined the Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce as Director of Entrepreneurship and became head of the House of Entrepreneurship.
Do you think gender equality is progressing on boards of directors?
Yes, I think that gender equality is making significant progress on boards of directors. I have observed a growing awareness of the importance of gender diversity in leadership positions. This development is being encouraged by a change in mentalities, but also by legislative initiatives that are pushing companies and organisations to review their selection policies. However, much remains to be done, and progress is not uniform across the board. For these improvements to be truly effective and sustainable, we must continue to push this commitment at all levels. We need to ensure that boards truly reflect the diversity, different perspectives and skills of our society, with an emphasis on diversity that goes beyond gender.
What do you think about quotas for women on boards? Do you think they are necessary or counterproductive?
Quotas are indeed a complex and sometimes controversial subject. However, I think they are necessary to accelerate change and encourage better representation of women, but they also raise issues of perception that can affect the credibility of the women appointed. Personally, I confess, I would not wish to occupy the position reserved for women.
Furthermore, focusing solely on quotas does not really tackle the roots of the gender disparity problem which require deeper action and I think that simply increasing the number of women does not necessarily guarantee increased diversity of perspectives.
And, of course, the ultimate goal would be to reach a point where competence alone determines access to decision-making positions, without the need for quotas, but we still have a long way to go to get there.
What solutions or policies do you think could encourage better parity?
I think that to encourage greater parity, we need to start with education. Educating girls as well as boys is essential to bring about profound change. By integrating educational programmes that promote gender equality and deconstruct stereotypes, we are paving the way for a world where roles of responsibility are accessible to all. This approach sows seeds of curiosity, innovation and self-confidence and encourages young people to explore their interests and pursue their dreams, regardless of gender or origin. After that, it is also important to develop women's potential in good time, promoting them into key roles and equipping them with the experience they need to take on leadership roles. Then we need to support them so that they are seen, recognised and considered for board positions. Mentoring and especially networking can help move in this direction.
What advice would you give to a woman who is hesitating to take the plunge?
My advice would be to believe in your abilities and dare. It's true that women, more often than men, can lack confidence when it comes to aiming for leadership positions. It's crucial to overcome this hesitation. Think of all the inspiring women who have paved the way. They didn't have the same opportunities as we do today, but they laid the foundations for advancing the role of women in society. Surround yourself with people who support you, seek out mentors and get involved in networks that can propel you forward. Remember that every small step is a step towards realising your dreams and that every failure is a valuable lesson. Above all, stay true to your values and your vision. Your journey is unique and it's your authenticity that will set you apart.