“His expertise, dynamism and enthusiasm for entrepreneurship will be major assets for Jonk Entrepreneuren Luxembourg as we develop our activities to inspire and support the next generation of entrepreneurs,” said the organisation’s chairman, Patrick Wies, in a press release announcing the appointment of Sven Baltes as director on Wednesday 5 March. Baltes will take up his post on 15 March.
A former manager of Luxinnovation’s startup relations, Baltes will succeed Nadia Battello, . On her Linkedin profile, Battello indicates that she left her post last December.
Baltes will be supported by a new team, as Yves Wiltgen has been appointed deputy director, whilst Myriam Baustert will be responsible for the twelve programmes offered by the organisation, which celebrates 20 years of existence in 2025. “Together, they will combine their skills and commitment to continue the development of Jonk Entrepreneuren and support young people in their entrepreneurial adventure,” states the press release.
For the year 2023-2024, Jonk Entrepreneuren says it “reached more than 15,600 pupils,” i.e., more than 14% of the school population, “and worked with 595 volunteers from the business world.”
This article was originally published in .