The Paperjam + Delano Business Club is organising its third roundtable in the run-up to the parliamentary elections this Tuesday evening from 7pm. The theme will be taxation, public finances and the financial centre. The event will be streamed in French on and in English on

The third of four pre-election roundtables organised by the Paperjam + Delano Business Club takes place this Tuesday 27 June from 7pm at the offices of PwC Luxembourg, with the participation of the Union des entreprises luxembourgeoises (UEL).

450 people will attend the discussion, which will feature finance minister (DP), economy minister (LSAP), transport minister (déi Greng), MPs (CSV) and (ADR), (déi Lénk) and (Piraten). The event will be moderated by and .

You can also follow this roundtable live and in French on the website thanks to the support of the Union des entreprises luxembourgeoises.

The roundtable will also be broadcast live with English translation on the .

This story was first published in French on . It has been translated and edited for Delano.