Justine Yansenne, a junior associate at the law firm of Allen & Overy, recently came in second place (along with her teammates Lucie Lavergne, Dimitrios Karagiannis and Silvia Buliscakova) in the Young European Lawyers Contest, where she was honoured with a best speaker award. In the cover interview for Delano’s special 2023 forecast issue, Yansenne moots the future of mergers and acquisitions, capital markets, investments and more.
Then experts in finance, business & economy, tech & innovation, politics, culture & lifestyle and holidays & travel share their own prognoses for the coming year.
To what extent will the financial centre help buffer inflationary shocks and a possible recession? How are companies acquiring and retaining talent? What can be done within the grand duchy to attract top talent, given such challenges like housing?
As many experts fairly told us, there’s no crystal ball… but the participants in this issue have genuinely taken the time to reflect on what could be in store for 2023 so we can all be as best prepared as possible.
About Delano
The print edition of Delano, the English language news publication for Luxembourg’s financial community, is published 4 times a year. The magazine is available by and at across the grand duchy. Delano also publishes two : a daily briefing on the latest financial, business, political and cultural news and events in the grand duchy, sent weekdays at 11:45am; and a deep-dive into Luxembourg’s financial sector, sent Tuesdays at 2pm. Delano hosts several live throughout the year as part of the Paperjam+Delano Business Club. Delano is on , , and .