Guy Daleiden and Yann Tonnar announced the nominees for the Lëtzebuerger Filmpräis 2021. (Photo:

Guy Daleiden and Yann Tonnar announced the nominees for the Lëtzebuerger Filmpräis 2021. (Photo:

The ninth edition of the Lëtzebuerger Filmpräis--Luxembourg’s national film award--will take place on 26 November. It honours the best of Luxembourg cinema over the past three years, after last year’s ceremony was cancelled because of the pandemic.

Usually organised every two years, the last edition of the Lëtzebuerger Filmpräis was held in 2018. The ninth edition could not take place last year due to pandemic restrictions. But Guy Daleiden, director of the Film Fund Luxembourg, and Yann Tonnar, president of d'Filmakademie, on Wednesday announced that the next edition of the award will be held in person at the Grand Théâtre de la Ville de Luxembourg on 26 November. However, streaming is also planned on several platforms, including

A total of 15 prizes up for grabs

In addition to the prizes already awarded in previous years, three new prizes will be awarded this year: the prize for best music and the prize for the best performance, which is split into two, one for men and one for women. 

In addition, a change has also been made this year to the voting system, which involves two rounds, as is the practice in other European academies. The first round, which was finalised on 15 October saw the 400 members of the Luxembourg academy vote for the final nominees in different various categories from a list of all the eligible films. The final short-list nominations for each award have now been published on the .

Members now have until 19 November to vote for their favourite  in each of 13 categories, ahead of the prize-giving ceremony on 26 November.

In addition to these 13 prizes, a prize will also be awarded for the best XR (extended reality) work by another professional jury specialising in this type of work. And the Luxembourg Film Press Association will also award a prize to a Luxembourg production.

This story was first published in French on . It has been translated and edited for Delano.