As part of this , we asked nine figures in Luxembourg’s financial industry about the strengths and weaknesses of the grand duchy’s private market funds sector. Karim Boussetta, regional director France & Benelux at the private equity investment platform Moonfare, told Paperjam:
“Luxembourg is usually top of mind when we think about private markets. Almost every major player has a presence there, which makes Luxembourg a key hub in the industry. The availability of top-tier funds is one of its biggest strengths, and Luxembourg’s offerings really show what it's all about. The sector has seen incredible growth over the past few years and is set to keep expanding.”
“Luxembourg doesn’t have any major weaknesses in the private markets fund sector, but there is still room to grow. By expanding its workforce, it could push the industry even further to the forefront of its economy. This would help Luxembourg become an even bigger player in Europe and globally, especially as regulations, politics and financial policies tighten in France, the Netherlands, Belgium and the UK.”
This article first appeared in the October 2024 on the private markets & fund ecosystem.