With the parliamentary elections around the corner, the Paperjam+Delano Business Club is holding its fourth and final debate on Tuesday 19 September at 7pm. Seven of the leading candidates will be taking part in the event, held at PwC's Crystal Park.

As October 8 approaches, many voters remain undecided about which list or candidates they will support. Against a backdrop of housing difficulties, a delicate economic situation marked by high inflation and cracks in national cohesion, the Paperjam+Delano Business Club is hosting a debate in which seven of the candidates can share their views with voters.

(French speakers: read Paperjam’s on the legislative elections.)

The event will bring together current prime minister and DP Spëtzenkandidat ; current health minister and LSAP Spëtzenkandidatin ; current justice/culture minister and déi Gréng Spëtzenkandidatin ; CSV list head ; Piraten list head ; ADR list head ; and déi Lénk list head .

The debate will take place in the Cloche d’Or at the headquarters of consulting firm Pricewaterhouse Coopers, which is a partner of the event. It will be moderated by Paperjam journalists  and .

The event is sold out but will be livestreamed on www.paperjam.lu (in French) and delano.lu (dubbed in English), thanks to the support of the Union des entreprises luxembourgeoises and its members (ABBL, Aca, Chambre de commerce, Chambre des métiers, CLC, Fédération des artisans, Fedil, Horesca).

Broadcasting will begin at 7pm.