In the run-up to Luxembourg’s parliamentary elections, the Paperjam+Delano Business Club brought together seven leading candidates for the post of prime minister for a debate. The event took place on Tuesday 19 September at PwC’s premises in Gasperich.

In a time limit of 10 minutes each, (DP), (LSAP), (déi Gréng), (CSV), (Piraten), (ADR) and (déi Lénk) were challenged by Paperjam editor-in-chief  and political journalist  on the major issues of the day, including: access to housing, tax reform, attracting talent, social justice, taxation and environmental challenges.

The Paperjam+Delano Business Club team would like to thank for hosting this event, as well as the  for its support. Over 400 individuals were present at the event, and more than 300 watched the debate in real time.

This article was first published in French on . It has been translated and edited for Delano.