New entrants to the Chamber of Deputies
On 21 November, the composition of the chamber should finally be complete: 21 members will be sworn in.
Of these, 13 are replacing newly appointed ministers.

(From left to right and top to bottom): Barbara Agostino (DP), Guy Arendt (DP), Maurice Bauer (CSV), Gilles Baum (DP), Jeff Boonen (CSV), Alex Donnersbach (CSV), Patrick Goldschmidt (DP), Françoise Kemp (CSV), Mandy Minella (DP), Nathalie Morgenthaler (CSV), Laurent Mosar (CSV), Stéphanie Weydert (CSV). Photos: DR/Montage: Maison Moderne
Of these newcomers, seven are CSV, five are DP and one is LSAP (not pictured above).
—For the CSV: , Jeff Boonen, Alex Donnersbach, Françoise Kemp, Nathalie Morgenthaler, and .
—For the DP: , , , and Mandy Minella.
—For the LSAP: (elected to replace the LSAP’s , who is retiring).
The eight other MPs to be sworn in are unseated ministers from the two ousted parties: five are from the LSAP and three from déi Gréng.

(From left to right and top to bottom) François Bausch (déi Gréng), Taina Bofferding (LSAP), Franz Fayot (LSAP), Georges Engel (LSAP), Claude Haagen (LSAP), Paulette Lenert (LSAP), Sam Tanson (déi Gréng) and Joëlle Welfring (déi Gréng). (Photos: DR/Montage: Maison Moderne)
—For the LSAP: , , , and .
—For déi Gréng: , and .
Tanson, formerly the justice and culture minister, is expected to run for déi Gréng’s president of the chamber.
Bofferding, formerly the interior minister, has taken the leadership role for the LSAP.
Once the members have been sworn in, the parliamentary committees bodies and representative delegations will be set up.
Chamber leadership
The new Chamber of Deputies will also have to elect a president and appoint a secretary general. At the time of writing, the nominees are not yet known.
What does the president of the chamber do? Say the rules: “Represent the chamber, maintain order in the assembly, ensure that the rules are observed, rule on the admissibility in form of texts, motions and other proposals, grant the right to speak, put questions and put them to vote, announce the result of votes and ballots, pronounce decisions of the chamber and speak in its name and in accordance with its wishes.”
At last week’s CSV Congress, the party confirmed as its chair within the chamber.
For déi Gréng, Sam Tanson will stand election for her party’s chair.
For the LSAP, the role has gone to Taina Bofferding.
This article in Paperjam. It has been translated and edited for Delano.