Not far from Luxembourg, at the entrance to Strassen, new buildings have been constructed for the needs of the Luxembourg National Health School, ENSA and Jugend Wunnen – Villa Flo student accommodation, as well as a sports hall for the Logopédie Centre.
The main entrance is from the route d’Arlon, via the rue Thomas Edison. These new buildings are part of the existing Val St André school campus in Strassen, which already includes the Centre for Motor Development and the Logopaedic Centre. In total, 28,950 m2 gross have been built.
Each function is housed in a separate building, providing an optimal response to users’ needs. The architectural design was initially entrusted to Arlette Schneiders Architectes, then taken over by M3 Architectes after Arlette Schneiders retired. The Public Buildings Administration, assisted by INCA, was the project manager. The consulting engineers were ICLUX (civil engineering) and RMC Consulting (technical engineering). Landscape studies were carried out by AREAL Landscape Architecture.
Three buildings for three functions
The school is located at the heart of the urban layout and welcomes the 1,200 high school students at the entrance to the campus. It comprises three wings containing classrooms and an administration building. This building is part of the second phase of the project and was brought into service in July 2024.
The accommodation is located to the north of the site, in a more secluded area. On the ground floor are the communal areas (kitchen, dining room, living rooms). The 35 student rooms are on the first and second floors, while the 14 rooms for young people with their kitchen and living room are on the third floor. These homes were part of phase 1 of the project and have already been delivered at the end of 2021.
These two buildings share architectural elements, proportions and materials.
The sports hall and swimming pool are located right next to the Logopédie Centre, providing an easy link with the latter. This building was also handed over at the end of 2021.

The landscaped areas have been completely redeveloped. (Photo: M3 Architectes)
A central circulation axis links the three establishments, with separate lanes for school transport, cars, cyclists and pedestrians, to ensure smooth and safe traffic flow. The other outdoor areas have been redesigned to accommodate the increased use of the site, with planting and trees encouraged.
The new buildings are low-energy, with technical installations kept to a minimum in order to keep maintenance costs as low as possible. Heating is provided by the biomass district heating plant. The roofs are fitted with photovoltaic panels. The project cost 135 million euros.