Looking for a business in finance or a decision maker in the transportation sector? The new Paperjam + Delano Business Guide is the perfect tool. The 2022 edition marks the 25th anniversary of the Guide and is also its 22nd edition. In the celebratory tone, the Guide also features several Luxembourg companies that will also be marking an anniversary this year.
The Guide’s managing director, Maison Moderne’s "who's who specialist”, Sarah Macri, introduces us to the new vintage.
This year, the cover of the Paperjam + Delano Business Guide features 12 Luxembourg decision-makers. Why did you make this choice?
Sarah Macri. - We decided to put on the cover business leaders who will celebrate an important anniversary in 2022. Patrick Vandenbosch, director of the Pescatore Foundation, will be celebrating the 130th anniversary of this pioneering retirement home institution. Also on this cover are three decision makers whose companies are celebrating their centenary. Philippe Schmitz, director of Rotarex, , director of Kaempff-Kohler and , director of the Foyer group. , director of Compass Group Luxembourg, will celebrate her company's 40th anniversary. I won't say any more and I'll leave it to the readers to have fun recognising the people and guessing the age of their companies. For the answers, turn to page 5 of the magazine.
What's new in this 22e edition of the Guide, which was first published in 1997?
"There are almost 1,000 more companies than in the previous edition. The Guide is therefore a little larger, but more comprehensive. We have reworked the graphics to make it easier for readers to find what they are looking for. We have also added pictograms that speak for themselves, to make it more accessible and practical to read. But above all, we have worked on the multilingualism of the Guide. The aim was to further strengthen the synergies between our two brands, Paperjam and Delano. We have developed our content in English and French so that in the long term, particularly in the digital version of the Business Guide, all our stories and biographies will be available in both languages. Once again this year, the print version of the Business Guide offers an overview of the Luxembourg economic landscape with even more companies and decision-makers, all in a simple, readable and comprehensive guide.
How much work does it take to create a 500+ page guide?
"It's a daily job throughout the year with a very intense period from July to December in order to publish in January. Maison Moderne has strengthened its staff in recent months, and we were not been forgotten as we have welcomed a third member to our team. This reinforcement has allowed us to further improve our daily media monitoring, which has resulted in a Business Guide with more companies, making it even more complete than before. To build our guide, we also rely on our two flagship media, Paperjam and Delano. But we also invite all decision-makers in the country to contact us. They can register and fill in their own profile in the digital version of the Business Guide, which we update regularly. Also note that since the GDPR law of 2018, all biographies featured in the Guide are validated with the decision makers.
How do I get hold of the Paperjam + Delano Business Guide?
"With a print run of 20,000 copies, it will be easy to find on newsstands nationwide. It is also distributed to Delano and Paperjam subscribers and Club members. Finally, "