Axa’s pet insurance expert Carla Weyland runs a branch in Limpertsberg with her colleague Pascal Nepper. Photo: Axa

Axa’s pet insurance expert Carla Weyland runs a branch in Limpertsberg with her colleague Pascal Nepper. Photo: Axa

Axa insurance agent Carla Weyland shares her top three tips on pet insurance for new expats arriving in Luxembourg.

1. Make sure your pet is fitted with a chip

All pets must be fitted with a microchip or tattoo that carries their identification number before they can be covered by an insurance policy. Usually, a chip is fitted shortly after birth. If your pet has not been fitted with one, I recommend visiting a vet that can fit one.

2. Get third-party liability coverage

Make sure you not only have a pet insurance policy but also third-party liability cover. This covers you in case your pet causes any damage or injury to others. You can take out a separate policy or add this option to your home insurance policy.

3. Don’t leave it too late

On average, a normal consultation with a vet costs around €50 to €60. After that, it depends if you need to have a blood test or an ultrasound scan, you’ll soon be looking at more than €120. An operation can cost more than €2,000.