Here are the 12 best places to work according to the Great Place to Work network in 2022. (Photo: Blitz agency)

Here are the 12 best places to work according to the Great Place to Work network in 2022. (Photo: Blitz agency)

Salonkee, Akabi, InTech... Great Place to Work unveils its ranking of the 12 best companies to work for in Luxembourg. Although the possibility to telework is not part of the criteria, it is a theme that is often mentioned by employees.

For its 12th annual ceremony, Great Place to Work once again took place in the Abbey of Neumünster on Thursday 31 March. During this event, it rewarded the 12 Best Workplaces of Luxembourg 2022 which are:

In the category Small companies (10 to 49 employees)

1. Salonkee

This young company, which offers online appointment scheduling in the beauty sector, has been included in this year's ranking.


The recruitment platform for tech profiles is also entering the 2022 ranking.

3. Cap4 Lab

The company specialising in the development of APIs and integration strategies has also entered the list.

In the Medium-sized companies (50 to 99 employees) category

1. Akabi

This is a relabelling for the IT consultant. In 2021, 13 companies received the label. The companies that received the label again this year are those that participated in the survey again and obtained a sufficient score. The others have either decided not to take the survey again or have obtained lower scores.

2. Pictet Technologies

The technology company was also re-labelled and gained one place.

3. Wavestone

The consulting firm was not included in the 2021 ranking.

In the Large companies category (100 employees or more)

1. InTech

Relabelled, the Post subsidiary regains its first place.

2. CTG IT Solutions

Another IT company relabelled this year.

3. Coplaning

Specialising in windows, the company enters the rankings of large companies in 2022.

4. Devoteam

Specialised in tech, Devoteam keeps the same place as in 2021.

5. Atoz

The tax consultant received a special award this year, as it is the tenth time it has been awarded the label. This is a first since the launch of the Best Workplaces in Luxembourg.

6. Value Partners

The accounting, tax and outsourcing services company has joined the ranking this year.

12 companies have been awarded the label, out of a total of 25 certified companies (the step below the label), and some thirty companies where Great Place to Work has conducted a survey.

25% of the evaluation is done via a file on the company culture and 75% on the basis of a questionnaire filled in by employees and management. In the file, employers are asked five questions: "What qualities make your organisation a good place to work?", "How inclusive is your company?", "How do you live the values of the organisation in your daily work?", "How is the management philosophy/strategy communicated to employees?" and "How do you include employees in the development of new ideas? The survey consists of 60 closed and two open questions. For example: "Is there consistency between what management says and does?" or "Can I be myself here?” 81% of the 1,100 employees of the 12 selected companies participated.

The home, a great place to work?

But hasn't the house become, for some, a "best workplace"? The network did not choose to add the "teleworking" criterion to the label. Even if its operations manager, Sebastian Löfgen, admits that the theme "comes up in employees’ comments to open questions". Especially when asked "if there was one thing you could change about this company to improve the working environment, what would it be?”

"Also, many are concerned in the comments about the situation after the exceptional telework arrangements end and about a possible unfairness in the telework arrangement between residents and frontier workers,” he says.

For the time being, "it can be said that all the winners have made telework possible for every post that allows it". And that "almost all of them want to continue to practice telework within the legal limits". The future policies of the companies in this respect may well reshuffle the cards in the next editions.

In the meantime, the 12 Luxembourg companies awarded the label qualify for the European competiton of the Best Workplaces, which will take place on 9 September. Last year, five of them took part.

This story was first published in French on . It has been translated and edited for Delano.