Where is Luxembourg’s mobility standing? Photo: ACL

Where is Luxembourg’s mobility standing? Photo: ACL

In the run-up to October’s legislative elections, ACL surveyed its members by inviting them to respond to an online questionnaire drawn up with the help of a specialist Luxembourg institute.

ACL has undertaken to focus on those issues and proposals that have received the approval of a two-thirds majority of its members, and to publish the results of the survey in a transparent manner. Over a two-week period, from May 3rd to May 19th, 2023, 6,742 members responded giving their views.

Representing more than 190,000 members in Luxembourg and the Greater Region, ACL strives to support initiatives that promote safe, affordable, and sustainable individual mobility.

Unsurprisingly, the majority of respondents were car drivers (80%) and pedestrians (63%). Some 17% were cyclists and 8% bikers. However, almost a third of respondents say they use public transportation often or even very often (31%).

It is quite logical that their expectations are mainly centered around additional P+R parking capacity (86%) and the development of additional public transport services (75%) to relieve traffic congestion on Luxembourg’s roads.

ACL as a representative

94% of ACL members believe that political decision-makers should attach greater importance to mobility issues. Some 78% of our members believe that greater emphasis should be placed on awareness-raising, information, and training, and look to ACL to act as their spokesperson.

This gives ACL the green light to be more vocal when decisions taken at political level do not take sufficient account of the problems and realities facing our members.

E-mobility is a divisive issue

The development of e-mobility remains a particularly divisive issue among our members. Only 41% of respondents believe that public investment in infrastructure for e-mobility should be increased.

Meanwhile, only 47% agreed with the requirement for all new buildings to be fitted with charging stations. Only half of the respondents are in favour of increasing state funding for the installation of these stations.

On the other hand, the promotion of eco-responsible alternative fuels other than e-mobility is clearly a very strong expectation of ACL members.

Three key proposals

ACL members expect:

1.     More Park & Ride facilities (86%)

2.     More awareness-raising, information, and training (78%)

3.     Eco-responsible alternatives to electromobility (78%)

Key figures of the ACL Survey Photo: ACL

Key figures of the ACL Survey Photo: ACL