From left to right, top to bottom: Luc Frieden (CSV), Sven Clement (Pirates), Paulette Lenert (LSAP), Sam Tanson (déi Gréng), Fred Keup (ADR) and Xavier Bettel (DP). The main front-runners in these legislative elections now know where they stand. Photos: Maison Moderne

From left to right, top to bottom: Luc Frieden (CSV), Sven Clement (Pirates), Paulette Lenert (LSAP), Sam Tanson (déi Gréng), Fred Keup (ADR) and Xavier Bettel (DP). The main front-runners in these legislative elections now know where they stand. Photos: Maison Moderne

The ballot boxes have given their verdict. Here’s an overview with the main protagonists of these legislative elections.

Luc Frieden (CSV)

What is your analysis of tonight’s election results?

“I think that voters have sent a clear message. Even if it may have come as a surprise to many observers... Voters voted massively for a different government and a different policy, and they put the CSV in a position to play a key role in the formation of that government.”

Are you ready to become prime minister?

“I am ready to assume the responsibilities that flow from the clear vote of the electorate. But we mustn’t rush into things; there is a procedure to follow. The grand duke will begin his consultations. But first, I will carefully analyse the results of this election and focus on the content of a government agreement.”

Sven Clement (Piratepartei)

What is your analysis of tonight’s election results?

“The Pirates are up by 50%. Voters are confirming us as an opposition force to check the government.”

Opposition force? You’re not running as part of a coalition?

“We have to be realistic. The electoral mathematics mean that we are more likely to monitor a government than to take part in it. We’re going to continue to do what we’ve done in recent years and be a constructive opposition force, but one that’s uncompromising on principles.”

You were betting on six MEPs. Aren’t you disappointed?

“You have to make do with what you have... I was very pleased with the third seat we snagged in the North. A seat that literally fell at the last polling station, on the last ballot paper.”

“Now that there are three of us, there will be more questions and interpellations in the Chamber of Deputies.”

Paulette Lenert (LSAP)

What is your analysis of tonight’s election results?

“I’m very happy with the result we achieved this evening. We came very close to winning more seats, but it came down to a very small margin. In the East, I was really hoping to get that second seat. It was a real thriller. There’s a little disappointment, but our score is generally very good. Another source of satisfaction is the renewal of our teams. There were a lot of young people and new faces on our lists and it worked.”

This election has seen a shift to the right. Does that worry you?

“Yes, we can see in Luxembourg that the shift to the right seen in Europe is happening. All the more reason for LSAP to get involved!”

Are you ready to take part in the next government?

“Yes, absolutely.”

Even with the CSV?

“Yes, it’s the party with the most seats at this stage. We’re ready to talk.”

Have you already spoken to Luc Frieden?

“Yes. But not about a coalition…”

Sam Tanson (déi Gréng)

What is your analysis of tonight’s election results?

“It’s clear that it’s not a good night for my party. It’s far too early to look for explanations. We knew there was a risk that we would lose seats, but not to this extent.”

Will you be returning to the opposition benches?

“Oh well, that’s clear.”

Fred Keup ( ADR)

What is your analysis of tonight’s election results?

“We’re very happy, we’re among the winners today. It’s a great evening. The polls didn’t predict this at all, but we’ve shown that the reality is different. Voters have confidence in our party. We’ve won the Eastern seat we lost in 2009, and we’re very happy about that. It wouldn’t have taken much to win two more seats in the Centre and the South. So we’re really very happy, we’ve done very well and we’re now the fourth largest party in Luxembourg. Fantastic!”

Can you see yourself in government?

“Not at the moment. I think the die has been cast and there’s an agreement on a government. But in five or ten years’ time, we’ll see.”

The die has been cast, in other words?

“There are two parties currently negotiating a coalition agreement…”

How do you explain your progress?

“We ran a very good election campaign and had some really good candidates. We’ve also shown over the last five years that we’re a very courageous opposition party when it comes to defending people’s interests. Our party has been a real opposition party in the chamber. It’s very important in a democracy to have a strong opposition. We showed that and people voted for it. On the issues, we have always tried to remain concrete, to have a common thread, and I think that voters like that too.”

Xavier Bettel ( DP)

What is your analysis of tonight’s election results?

“The DP is the party that has made the most progress in percentage terms among the major traditional parties. It’s also the party that’s made the most gains, gaining 14 seats. So I’m a happy liberal, and my personal score looks good too, so that’s pleasing. I’m also pleased to have won a seat in my own constituency.”

With this result, is it possible to imagine a government without the DP?

“It wouldn’t be respectful of the voters’ choice. The other parties are pretty stable, ours is the one that wins the most, so the electorate is showing a desire to have the DP in government.”

What might your position be in this future government? Will it be you or Luc Frieden?

“You know, the job has always been something of a sideline for me. What’s important is the policy I can make over the next five years. It was an honour to be prime minister for ten years. If I can continue for another five years, I’ll be delighted. If I have to do something else, I’ll do something else.”

Could you see yourself in government without being prime minister?

“Oh yes, I’ve said that from the start. For me, it’s not the title that counts, what counts is the job... sorry: the programme you want to do, not the job!”

How do you feel about the rise of the ADR?

“It worries me. It’s the same everywhere, it’s a European phenomenon. But the voters are right. We have to try to support voters, to respond to their concerns.”

This article was first published in French on . It has been translated and edited for Delano.