Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy on Tuesday spoke with Luxembourg’s Xavier Bettel Photo: Shutterstock

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy on Tuesday spoke with Luxembourg’s Xavier Bettel Photo: Shutterstock

Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskyy spoke with prime minister Xavier Bettel on Tuesday, thanking  Luxembourg for contributing to €250m in aid to the country as well as support for refugees and leadership on sanctions.

The war in Ukraine, started on 24 February, has so far resulted in approximately 2 million Ukrainians fleeing from their country according to . Russia has been at the receiving end of sanctions from the EU, the US, the UK and Canada while Ukraine has been received support from a number of countries including Luxembourg.

Zelenskyy expressed his gratitude for the €250m in aid in a tweet after speaking to Bettel (DP). The sum cited by Zelenskyy is part of funding by the European Union to which Luxembourg has contributed, Bettel's office confirmed to Delano. The Ukrainian president’s Twitter account shows a string of phone calls with European and international leaders to shore up support for Ukraine. 

Ukraine has appealed for fast-tracked EU membership, but during a Bettel said that this risked jeopardising the unity between member states currently on display. There are processes and procedures for EU accession specified in the EU treaties, the premier said, adding that there is, however, an outlook for EU membership under the rules in place.

On 28 February, only four days after the Russian invasion began, Luxembourg announced it will with 100 anti-tank weapons, jeeps and 15 military tents.

Together with other countries including Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, Norway and Czechia, Luxembourg is also providing air-to-air refuelling capabilities in a mission to protect allied airspace during the conflict. Ukraine is fighting at a disadvantage in the air, said LUkraine president Nicolas Zharov, an association by the Ukrainian community in the grand duchy. “We can fight on the ground but not in the air, we are outnumbered,” he said at the enf of last week.

Zelenskyy criticised Nato last Friday, 4 March, over its decision to reject a no-fly zone over Ukraine. The alliance is against intervening by air or land in order to avoid creating further acrimony with Russia that could trigger more widespread war. President Vladimir Putin has threatened the use of nuclear weapons in the conflict.

Foreign minister Jean Asselborn on Wednesday is set to give an update on the situation of Ukrainian refugees arriving in Luxembourg. The ministry had previously urged citizens initiatives and families of Ukrainian national seeking refuge in the grand duchy to .

As part of an EU-wide temporary protection mechanism, refugees from Ukraine can without having to go through lengthy asylum procedures.