

This app allows you to keep lists, track errands and to-dos, as well as to collaborate with colleagues on a range of projects.  


Using Kanban methodology, which improves efficient teamwork, this app allows for breaking down large projects into more manageable chunks. It’s also a very visual tool, so it’s also great for creatives and brainstorms.  


Sure, you may need to be active on social media. But who has the time? Hootsuite allows you to update your organisation’s key social media pages all in one go. A headache saver, indeed. 


Mind-mapping is an underrated but visually impactful way to put thoughts to paper.

Photo: Shutterstock 

This app has put the diagramming into an intuitive, clickable format. 


This organisational app is highly promoted, but for good reason. It’s a go-to tool for putting ideas to (digital) paper the moment an idea strikes. Photos, links and screenshots can be easily added as well. 

This article first appeared in the print version of the Delano Expat Guide 2019-2020.