Luxembourg residents spent an average of €32 on fair trade consumer products last year. Photo credit: Fairtrade Lëtzebuerg 

That works out to around €32 per resident, Fairtrade Lëtzebuerg said in a press release on 17 July.

However, consumers in Ireland (€71.60 per resident), Switzerland (€71.27), Finland (€42.50), Sweden (€37) and Austria (€35) spent proportionally more.

Residents of neighbouring Germany (€16), Belgium (€11.60) and France (€8) spent proportionally less on Fairtrade certified products.

The advocacy group issued the figures to mark its 25th anniversary.

Fairtrade Lëtzebuerg said that more than 2,500 fair trade products were available in Luxembourg, including bananas, chocolate, coffee, roses and sugar.