Illustration photo of grape vines. Vine calluses are a growing mass of plant parenchyma cells that cover a plant wound. In research, the formation of calluses is induced from plant tissue samples Shutterstock

Illustration photo of grape vines. Vine calluses are a growing mass of plant parenchyma cells that cover a plant wound. In research, the formation of calluses is induced from plant tissue samples Shutterstock

Space Cargo Unlimited facilitated a microgravity experiment in which vine calluses were sent to suborbital space on board Blue Origin’s New Shepard space vehicle.

The Alpha experiment is one of six for Mission WISE, which leverages the effects of microgravity on complex biological systems.

During the experiment, vine calluses on two varieties, the Petit Verdot Sauvignon and Cabernet Sauvignon, were exposed to microgravity for five minutes.

According to a statement released by the firm on Wednesday, “plants can mobilise their defences when under attack and in response transform to their changing environmental conditions.”

The Alpha experiment was intended as a proof-of-concept for future experiments and to establish a work flow to understand the effects of space on agriculture.

In November, Space Cargo Unlimited was part of a partnership that sent red wine to the International Space Station, where it will age for 12 months.