Extra space given to restaurant terraces last summer will also be available this year  Romain Gamba

Extra space given to restaurant terraces last summer will also be available this year  Romain Gamba

Rue du Fossé will offer more space for pedestrians but also cyclists, who will be able to ride in both directions starting mid-April, mayor Lydie Polfer said during the City Breakfast.

The works, which begin this week, will require the street to be closed for traffic between 22 March and 3 April.

In addition, Rue Beaumont will temporarily become a pedestrian street starting mid-April. Deliveries will remain possible between 6 to 10am and residents will be issued a vignette to access their car park.

Polfer also said the city would aim to maximise space for outdoor terraces. For example, places for cars replaced with terrace space in Rue Notre Dame will remain open for restaurateurs. And flowerpots removed from Place d’Armes last year will also be missing this summer.

With the possibility that restaurants and bars can reopen in April, Polfer urged restaurateurs to submit requests for terrace space as soon as possible, adding the city would strive to make as much space available as possible.