The appointment comes after the conservative party was excluded from forming a coalition with the new government, following the 2018 legislative elections on 14 October. Since last week, the government has been comprised of a coalition of Déi Gréng, DP and LSAP, known as Gambia 2.
Former CSV lead candidate Claude Wiseler said in an RTL interview on Monday that it had been the bitterest day of his political career. The CSV had previously dominated national politics, forming a government coalition with the LSAP from 2004 to 2013, and until 2013 providing the prime minister since WWII, with the exception of the five years between 1974 and 1979.
Party president Marc Spautz, meanwhile, announced on 6 December his intention to step down, according to Paperjam. His replacement will be nominated at the CSV national congress on 26 January 2019. Serge Wilmes, Frank Engel and Luc Frieden have all been mooted as potential successors.