Pictured: Founding members of Déi Konservativ in March 2017.Picture credit: Déi Konservativ 

Delano: When was your party first established? 

Déi Konservativ: Déi Konservativ  (the Conservatives) was founded as a party on 21 March 2017, followed by a first, extraordinary national congress on 10 April 2017.

Delano: Who founded it? 

DK: The party was founded by the local councillor for Pétange, Joe Thein, a former ADR politician and 1st vice president of the European Young Conservatives. 

Delano: Why what it set up? Was there a key event that led to its establishment? 

DK:  The party was established after the split between Joe Thein and ADR. The key reason was the ADR’s refusal to confess a conservative political identity. The party remained unmovable and too populistic. The call for political change finally led to the founding of a new conservative movement, relating to Burke’s philosophy and real conservative principles. 

Delano: What are its guiding principles? 

DK: The party defines itself as conservative, patriotic and classically liberal. These are the guiding pillars of our political engagement. Our party is still young, just a bit more than one year old. We believe it fills an important political gap, standing in the middle of a leftist CSV and a right-wing ADR. 

Delano: Briefly, why should voters select your party in October?

DK: Déi Konservativ is the only true conservative party in Luxembourg. We are fighting for a national programme that includes protecting our national identity, the Luxembourgish language and our culture and heritage. We promote better integration, a new understanding of immigration policy, an ideal state system and safety and security for our people. We support a patriotic and more diplomatic foreign policy, our national sovereignty, modern transport, responsible population growth, animal welfare and the protection of nature. We look for a better education system, the preservation of our social system, our families and, last but not least, the political pillars of more democracy and liberty. 

Please note that Delano is introducing the political parties for your information only, not to promote one over the other.