Joe Thein, pictured, is the lead candidate for Déi Konservativ Déi Konservativ

Joe Thein, pictured, is the lead candidate for Déi Konservativ Déi Konservativ

Delano: When was your party established and who founded it?

Déi Konservativ: The party was founded in 2017 on March, 21st. It was initiated by former councillor of Pétange, Joe Thein.

What, if any, are your links to the European blocs?

Yet, our party has no links to European groups, and is not standing in alliance to other political movements. In the case of our election to the European parliament, we would like to join a European party in support of the conservative philosophy in Europe.

What do you consider the most important issues facing voters in Luxembourg?

Our main goal is a redesign of the EU, a radical and fundamental EU-reform to save the European idea. We want to build an Europe of free and sovereign nations along with a real democratic system. Therefore, we should debate about the problems and act without delay. We should solve the problems within the eurozone, stop the violation of treaties and laws, act for better security policies, return national competences into the nation states, build up a new European constitution voted by the people, stop further European integration and extension, face the financial crisis and limit the power of banks and lobbies, redefine our development assistance, improve our international friendship by an exemplary foreign policy, and so on

Name one thing you hope to accomplish if any of your candidates are successful?

Our wish is a new direction for Europe, the realisation of an Europe of the Nations, where conservatism, patriotism, and liberty are the key values.

Please name the candidates representing your party in the European elections.

Our party is represented by party president and head of the list Joe Thein, along with Sandra Schwachtgen, Patrick Thein, Jean Ersfeld, Pierrete Heintz and Mario May.