David Laurent/Wide/archives

Viviane Loschetter has been involved in politics for the Déi Gréng party since 1999. An active female politician, she has decided to end her political career at the age of 58.

“You have to know when to stop at the right time,” Loschetter told the Luxemburger Wort on 7 March, before saying that politics “should not become a profession, but should remain a commitment.”

She will devote herself to her community work, particularly for the integration of refugee children, and to her family.

A member of the Ecologist Party since 1998, Loschetter was first elected as an adviser to the City of Luxembourg in 2000. She joined Luxembourg’s parliament four years later and was elected onto the City Council in 2005, where worked on social actions supporting young people and the elderly, housing policy and the environment.

She was re-elected to parliament in 2009, and in 2013, when she won more than 8,500 votes, becoming the chair of the Déi Gréng political group in parliament.