Ahead of our Delano Live event examining burnout, Delano polled readers on their workplace stress levels Shutterstock

Ahead of our Delano Live event examining burnout, Delano polled readers on their workplace stress levels Shutterstock

A total of 98 people participated in the online survey, with the majority experiencing mid- to high stress levels.

When asked to rate their stress levels at work from 1-10, 10 being the most-stressed, one in ten respondents ticked 10, while the average was 7 out of 10. Furthermore, a quarter of all respondents said they had taken a medical absence from work because of a burnout.

Data: Delano

The most commonly cited cause of stress was too much work (65.3%), followed by pressure placed on oneself (45.9%), relations with colleagues (36.7%), lack of autonomy (26.5%), workplace harassment (19.4%) and technology overload (16.3%).

Data: Delano

Respondents reported that their stress most often manifested itself in sleep difficulties, anxiety, difficulty concentrating and physical issues, including migraines, stomach and back pain. One person responded: “I feel I’m in survival mode”. Another wrote that the anxiety leads them to create “in my head different bad scenarios”.

Speaking to friends and family was mentioned as the most common positive measure to combat workplace stress (75.8%), followed by exercise (57.1%) and speaking with a colleague or superior (40.7%).

Data: Delano

Not all coping measures are healthy, however. The very honest respondents mentioned turning to alcohol, poor eating habits and smoking to ease the stress. A small number also reported taking work home or working through lunch to get the work done.