CSV MP Michel Wolter presented a motion in parliament on Thursday calling on the government to launch an inquiry into the deaths. Parliament decided to discuss the motion further within the health and family committees rather than voting on it.
Wolter said according to his sources 28 people died at the “Um Lauterbann” home in the first three months of 2021, a number corresponding to the yearly average of the last five years.
He cited several media reports that had tracked the progress of the care home cluster, stating that at least 16 deaths over the last two weeks were linked to coronavirus infections. He also said reports on the actual number of deaths were unclear and contradicted statements from the home that the situation was under control. The facility is managed by Servior.
Vaccinations at the care home began on 18 February and concluded this week.
Wolter while speaking in parliament on 18 March said the home had failed to discuss the cluster with the commune and also that it hadn’t communicated properly with families.
The CSV politician demanded to know whether the health and family ministers know the details of the case, whether a source of the cluster has been identified, and information about testing, the spread of the virus as well as deaths despite the vaccine drive.