On Monday, the government’s Economic Committee (Comité de conjuncture) accepted requests from 2,594 firms which cited coronavirus-related disruptions to their turnover, the economy ministry said on 6 April.
“These requests regard more than 35,500 employees. Companies will be allocated advances of €86.6m,” the ministry stated.
Adem, the jobs agency, granted a separate set of applications by 2,483 outfits that were totally shutdown by the government’s outbreak-fighting orders. This involves €57.3m that will aid 37,754 employees, the government said.
Adem rejected roughly 7,000 applications due to missing or incomplete information, per Paperjam. Those firms will have to reapply.
In February 2020, around 446,300 people had jobs in Luxembourg, per Statec, which means the government granted partial unemployment benefits to roughly 16% of the country’s workforce.
The committee will sit again on Friday to consider the next tranche of applications.
The short-time working scheme lets companies reduce the number of hours employees work each week, with the government making up 80% of the shortfall in earnings.