The Union Syndicale Fédérale Luxembourg said the jobs of 80 staff members at the Consumers, Health, Agriculture and Food Executive Agency were at stake.
The trade union said on 21 April that it “was informed of the very likely transfer of all the agency’s activities to other executive agencies located in Brussels.”
The USFL called for all current Chafea employees to be given the choice of a transfer to Brussels or a different post in Luxembourg with “the same working conditions.”
Chafea was founded in 2005 and handles a number of public health and food safety programmes, with a budget of roughly €1bn over the 2014-2020 period.
According to Le Quotidien, the European Commission will make its decision on 28 April and any transfers would be effective in January 2021.
Delano has asked the European Commission for comment.
In addition to Chafea, USFL represents staff at the European Commission, European Court of Auditors, European Court of Justice, European Investment Bank, European Parliament and EU Translation Centre in Luxembourg.