On 7 June, Luxembourg NGOs criticised the new European consensus on development, arguing that its priorities are shifting towards reducing migration and increasing security.Pictured: a school in Muang Vangviang, LaosPicture credit: Garycycles 

ASTM, Caritas, Frères des Hommes and SOS Faim issued a statement in which they argue that the new development goals in “our world, our dignity, our future” are excessively tied to the current preoccupations in matters of security and migration.

They miss a strategic approach and a transformative spirit. “If public development aid is used as an instrument to fight migration,” the NGOs argued, “then the EU is starting to move away from its primary objective: the fight for a fairer world.” They are worried that development aid is used to reduce migration to Europe, at the expense of projects which promote well-being and reduce inequalities in the world.

0.7% of GNP can be used for other priorities

While EU member states have committed to spending at least 0.7% of their GNP to development, this new consensus opens the door to spending that money on other goals. Furthermore, the NGOs said that not all member states have actually implemented this spending in their budget.

Private actors: different rules

The statement also criticises the fact that private investment is encouraged to function as a lever of development and that it seems that the private sector is not subject to the same rules of review and evaluation than the public sector.

Sustainable development

However, the NGOs found a positive point in the promotion of small farms and agroecology for a sustainable development.

Luxembourg’s efforts

The four NGOs congratulated the Luxembourg government for its efforts in development policy at EU level.