Lux. ranked 6th in healthcare index

Luxembourg, with its high GDP and low infant mortality rate, has been ranked sixth in a European healthcare index Flickr

Luxembourg, with its high GDP and low infant mortality rate, has been ranked sixth in a European healthcare index Flickr

The 2016 Euro Health Consumer Index compiled by Health Consumer Powerhouse Ltd analysed healthcare in 48 indicators across Europe, scoring them between 333 and 1,000 points.

With 851 points, Luxembourg was in sixth place with a score only 14 points off third-placed Norway (865).

The report said that Luxembourg had the second-lowest infant mortality with less than two to every 1,000 births, after Iceland.

The country scored highly for allowing cross-border care seeking, for its annual healthcare spending and high purchasing power parity, which was well above $6,000.

It was also praised for its register of legitimate doctors, with a chapter in the Yellow Pages which is reviewed annually and approved by the health ministry.

It was marked down in the categories of no fault malpractice insurance, catalogue with quality ranking, e-prescriptions, caesarean sections, access to new drugs (time to subsidy) and antibiotics per capita. The report gave no figures on abortion rates, meanwhile.