The “Blue Whale Challenge” plays on vulnerable youngsters Pexels

The “Blue Whale Challenge” plays on vulnerable youngsters Pexels

The “Blue Whale Challenge”, as the so-called game is known, plays on vulnerable youngsters by psychologically breaking them down through 50 challenges, to the point they take their own lives.

Shared through social media, it has been linked to over 100 teenage deaths in Russia. While education minister Claude Meisch says no cases were reported in the grand duchy, he confirmed the phenomenon was widely known across Europe.

Game poses real danger

Awareness-raising, he said was key to preventing its spread. Internet safety platform BeeSecure confirmed that the “Blue Whale Challenge” posed a “real danger”.

It advises anyone who has a family member or friend participating in the challenge to be sensitive and take seriously any suicidal thoughts that may be voiced. In Luxembourg, further help for young people can be sought by calling the BeeSecure helpline 8002 1234. Meanwhile they can get personal advice in English via Kanner-Jugendtelefon’s helpline 116 111 on its website. Concerned parents can contact the Kanner-Jugendtelefon (in English) via their online help service.