Marc Angel, chair of the foreign affairs committee, has said: "we are against creating a Eurozone parliament" on Tuesday 27 June. Chambre des députés

Marc Angel, chair of the foreign affairs committee, has said: "we are against creating a Eurozone parliament" on Tuesday 27 June. Chambre des députés

On 28 June, Angel, a LSAP MP and chair of the foreign affairs committee, asked the president’s position on creating a Eurozone parliament. He stated that “we are against such a Eurozone parliament.” Contacted by Delano, Angel replied that “this is part of a report by the foreign affairs committee, which will be debated on 12 July and has been adopted by all parties except the ADR”.

The idea for a parliament specifically for Eurozone member states has been floating around since the peak of the economic and financial crisis. It is part of plans to increase integration among the countries of the currency bloc and make it more resilient to external shocks. It would institutionalise the split between euro- and non-euro area states, and could include a dedicated euro-area budget or turn the European Stability Mechanism, based in Luxembourg, into a bailout fund.

In May 2017, German finance minister Wolfgang Schäuble met with French president-elect Emmanuel Macron to discuss the idea, which would be complemented by a continental bailout fund.

The idea has met with opposition in many capitals, especially in those which have not adopted the euro, but also other Eurozone countries.