Marc Hemmerling of the ABBL (left) listens to Fedil’s Marc Kieffer speak at a press conference on ICT jobs, 13 March 2018 ABBL

Marc Hemmerling of the ABBL (left) listens to Fedil’s Marc Kieffer speak at a press conference on ICT jobs, 13 March 2018 ABBL

That’s according to a study published by the Business Federation Luxembourg (Fedil) and Luxembourg Bankers’ Association (ABBL) on 13 March.

The report forecast that 118 companies would hire 698 qualified workers in the coming two years. While 31% would replace departing employees, 69% would be newly created positions.

At the same time, the expected level of educational attainment is, broadly speaking, growing. Employers will require at least a 2-year higher education diploma for 93% of all positions.

A bachelor’s degree is needed for 32.5% of jobs, compared to 29.7% in the business groups’ 2016 survey.

A BTS (an “advanced technician’s certificate”, taken at end of 2-year higher education course) is required for 16.3% of positions in 2018, up from 11.7% reported by employers in 2016.

However, fewer doctoral degrees are sought. The figure dropped from 51.7% in 2016 to 41.4% in the 2018 study.

Fedil and several other organisations started a public-private initiation called Hello Future, to encourage more younger people to get into skilled trades. Its “roadshow” will visit several high schools, including the European School I, this spring.