The most-commonly spoken language in the workplace in Luxembourg was French, a survey has found Shutterstock

The most-commonly spoken language in the workplace in Luxembourg was French, a survey has found Shutterstock

Statec’s Regards number 9 found that the most-commonly spoken language in the workplace was French, spoken by four out of every five resident workers. “It is the most commonly used language in almost all sectors,” the report author wrote, adding that Luxembourgish only overtakes French when it comes to public administration and teaching.

Perhaps unsurprisingly given its international nature, the English language dominated the finance and insurance sector, where it was used by 82% of respondents. English was least-commonly used in the food and beverages sector (32%), in services, administration and support (36%), and in teaching (37%).

The survey was conducted in 2018 with 6,000 Luxembourg residents

In Luxembourgish homes, almost nine out of ten respondents said they spoke Luxembourgish. Among the households of non-Luxembourgers, the most-commonly used language was French (42%), followed by Portuguese (30%), others (24%) and English (16%).